Zoe: Party Crasher & Survivor

It was just days before Christmas and Dakin’s veterinarian technicians were about to enjoy a socially-distanced holiday lunch.  Wearing their “Ugly Holiday Sweaters” for the annual contest, they were excited to begin lunch when the celebration came to a screeching halt.

A two-year-old pit bull named Zoe had just been rushed into Dakin’s Community Spay/Neuter Clinic.  Her people reported that she had been sick for about five days.  Initially she had no appetite, then began vomiting and having discharge from her hind end.  In addition, her eyes and nose had discharge and she couldn’t walk.

She was diagnosed with pyometra (an infected uterus), pneumonia and was septic, a very serious condition that occurs when chemicals released in the bloodstream to fight infection trigger inflammation throughout the body.  Zoe was in critical condition, and there was a good chance she would not survive.  Emergency spay surgery was performed by Dr. Rebecca Carroll, Dakin’s medical director.

(left to right) Dr. Carroll, Meghan and Abigayle assess the patient

Zoe pulled through the surgery, and although greatly weakened, she fought back.  She couldn’t maintain her body temperature at first, so she was swaddled in heated blankets and other warming items.  By the second day she got the strength to walk outside, and the staff prepared for her return home.  Her people were given detailed instructions to keep her well.  She would need to be kept in a very warm room wrapped in blankets, and given specific food and medications.

When Zoe returned to Dakin weeks later for a follow-up visit, the staff was thrilled to see her wagging her tail and bestowing kisses of gratitude on the team that worked so hard to save her life.

Keeping people and pets together...it’s what we do.

Zoe giving thanks

If you have a dog, cat or rabbit who has not been spayed or neutered, you can book your appointment for them at Dakin’s Community Spay/Neuter Clinic here


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