How Do Pets Help Us Find Inspiration?
Woof! Well, hello! My name is Max, and this is my dog blog (note: I did have help with the typing, but the opinions are all my own). After all, who better than me to talk about how animals support humans? Simply put, we’re always here for you. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dog, cat, bird, or turtle (ok, dogs are the best, but I’m trying to be inclusive), we are happiest when we are with our humans and studies have shown that humans are healthier because of us. Did you know that people with pets are less likely to suffer from depression? Or that petting an animal has been shown to lower blood pressure and elevate serotonin and dopamine? I’ll bet you’re surprised I knew those things! What can I say, I pay attention.
Animals also help humans get active. Let’s start with walkies! Nothing makes us happier, and you’ll find that even on those lazy days when you don’t feel like moving, you’ll get up and walk your pup. If you’re feeling inspired, go on a nature hike or explore new walking trails. Not only will you get fresh air, but you can also make new friends along the way. Winning!
We can be active together in other ways, too! Throw us a stick or a ball, engage us in a game of tug or keep-away. Plus we’ll happily keep you company while you exercise. Everything is more fun with a furry friend, and we don’t judge! (Well, ok, we might look at you funny, but we’re there cheering for you anyway!)
Hey! Find more inspiration during the #ByMySide 31-Day Activity Challenge! Check out Dakin’s rock hunt – on each suggested route they’ll have a hand-painted paw print rock hidden, and the first person to find it and share a photo will win a custom painted rock pet portrait. Each week they will have new routes for you and your furry buddy to explore!
Contributed by Dakin Volunteer Cristina Fernandez