Fundraising Goes POP!

When 7-year-old Quinn decided to create a one-day fundraiser to help the animals and programs at Dakin Humane Society, she turned to her most trusted business associate; her cat Parker.

The handsome orange fellow gave the idea a paw’s up (he couldn’t offer a thumb’s up), and Q & P Popcorn was born, named for the plucky young entrepreneur and her feline.

Quinn set up a table outside the McCormick-Allum building in Northampton one day last fall, and for three hours she sold her homemade popcorn in four flavors; original, cinnamon sugar, parmesan/herb butter, and kettle corn for $3 a bag. She also sold mint tea.

As these photos sent to us from her parents confirm, Quinn took the brand seriously, creating all the labels for the popcorn bags herself. Parker, however, seemed intent on confiscating as many of the labels as possible, maybe because he received second billing in the venture.

By the end of her shift, Quinn managed to raise a substantial amount of funds for Dakin, which is genuinely appreciated. She noted, “I was thinking about places to give money to for my popcorn sale - and thought about Dakin because we adopted Parker four years ago from there …and I love him so much. And I was thinking about what if his family members were at Dakin? I would want to help raise money to help them - and all of the other animals there too. I love animals because they are cute, soft, and loving - and most of them are very friendly.”

Thank you, Quinn, for caring about the animals. They love you right back!

Hosting a DIY fundraiser as Quinn did can be a great way to raise funds for animals while connecting with your community and getting the word out about Dakin!  If you or someone you know would like to fundraise for Dakin, please click here for more information and ideas.

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