A Community at Work: Helping Pablo

Back in June, our Community Spay/Neuter Clinic was contacted by our friends at Kane’s Krusade with a pretty urgent situation. Kane’s Krusade is a local nonprofit organization that shares in Dakin’s mission of providing programs and resources that help keep pets and people together where they belong.

After falling on difficult times, Pablo the pittie and his family had recently moved to a new home, ready for a fresh start. Pablo was due for his annual rabies vaccination and to meet the requirements of the family’s new living space, Pablo needed to undergo neuter surgery.

The cost of surgery and getting Pablo to Dakin’s Community Spay/Neuter Clinic presented additional challenges for a family just getting back on their feet. Thankfully, we were able to rely on a grant we received from the Massachusetts Animal Coalition. The MAC is able to provide grant funding to organizations offering spay/neuter services to families in need thanks to the ongoing purchase and renewal of Massachusetts “I’m Animal Friendly” license plates.

Pablo’s surgery and rabies vaccination was scheduled later that week. Kane’s Krusade kindly supplied transportation for Pablo to and from our clinic to make his appointment as calm and comfortable as possible. After recovering from surgery, Pablo returned home to his loving family, now able to begin their new chapter together.

Our community is strongly rooted in compassion and care, lifting each other up when in need and doing all things possible to get animals and the people who love them the access to care and resources they deserve. Pablo’s happy ending is one of many. And, thanks to your ongoing support, won’t be the last.

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